Speech Bubbles

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Why post-Covid education needs play – and what this might mean for arts education. By Adam Power-Annand

On the 15th December 2023 the Times Education Supplement published an article by Professor Ramchandani on the importance of play in post-Covid education. The article chimed with the experiences that Speech Bubbles drama practitioners have been sharing about their work in schools.

He suggests that what’s needed is more playtime and more opportunities for what he calls ‘guided play’ where children can explore ideas creatively in a safe space with supportive adults.

In the article the Professor talks about hearing that this cohort of young children are struggling much more with some of the rules of how to interact socially in school with peers, and also how to settle into school and settle down for work.

At Speech Bubbles we considered what this might mean for our practice and hope that our insight might be useful to other art-educators.

What might this mean for Speech Bubbles?

  1. That a conscious effort to create a safe and non-judgemental space for the children to play and express themselves is key.

  2. That our task as the Speech Bubbles adults is to guide the children through the play, providing a framework for them to explore and understand each of the stories.

  3. That helping children to recognise and express emotions, and practice communicating with others is key to developing positive social interactions.

  4. That children need to move! The physical aspects of our work are a crucial element to enable children to be ready to learn.

  5. That being in the ‘here and now’ is important. Having a positive session is important for the immediate benefits it gives the community of children as well as the potential long term individual benefits.

The article points out the crucial role of teaching assistants, the people who work with the children who are struggling most in school and notes that as a sector TAs need access to training and also recognition for their crucial work. This is particularly important us as every Speech Bubbles session is led by a drama practitioner and a TA.

It concludes:

Speech Bubbles is a drama for communication intervention that works with children aged 5-7 years of age.  www.speechbubbles.org.uk

Professor Ramchandani is the Professor of Play in Education, Development and Learning at Cambridge University. www.educ.cam.ac.uk/centres/pedal/